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Nutri Force Nutrition Cardiocore 60 Ct.

Nutri-force Nutrition

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Heart Support. Comprehensive and Effective. Supports Blood Vessel Function. Helps Support Overall Heart Health. Helps to Maintain Cholesterol Levels That Are Already Within Normal Range. With 600mg of OMEGA 3. Contains 800mg of Phytosterols. MEG-3 Omega 3 Fish Oil - CoQ10 - Plant Phytosterols. Cardiocore was meticulously designed to deliver a comprehensive approach to supporting your overall cardio health. Featuring highly pure sources of active ingredients Omega 3 fish oil, Coenzyme Q10, and Plant Phytosterols, Cardiocore provides a unique combination of proven nutrients, formulated to maximize benefits when combined with a healthy diet and exercise. Each ingredient in Cardiocore is backed by extensive research supporting its contributions to overall heart and cholesterol health. Cardiocore is the only product available to combine these key ingredients from superior sources, offering a comprehensive formulation that delivers results. MEG-3. More than 14,000 studies over the past 35 years have demonstrated the benefits of Omega 3 consumption. Omega 3s, including EPA and DHA, are proven to help maintain health cholesterol and blood pressure levels already in normal range. They have also been shown to be beneficial for heart, brain, bone, joint, and skin health. However not all sources are the same. MEG-3 is purified for safety, concentrated for potency and naturally sourced from clean, Omega-3 rich ocean fish - the best Omega-3 source. Fish contains both Omega-3 EPA and DHA, which are key factors in the maintenance of good health. The best source for Omega-3 EPA/DHA is oily fish (such as anchovy, sardine and salmon) or fish oil. MEG-3 purified fish oils offer the purest quality Omega-3 EPA/DHA in the foods and dietary supplements you consume daily. CardioCore provides a double-strength dose of MEG-3 Omega 3 (600mg). Natural CoEnzyme Q10. Coenzyme Q10 is a compound found in every living cell in the body. It's used to produce energy and serves as a powerful antioxidant. CoQ10 is found in its highest concentrations in organs like the heart. Supplementing with CoQ10 helps provide continued benefits such as its strong protection from free radicals that can damage cells and threaten health cell function. CardioCore uses only natural CoQ10. Heart Choice: Nature's choice for a healthy heart. Vegapure comes from natural plant sterols. These beneficial substances are found in vegetables, nuts, fruits, and other healthy foods. These ingredients have a long history and are proven to lower cholesterol in a safe and natural way. Increasing your daily consumption of plant sterols can help you actively manage your cholesterol already in normal range. These beneficial "fat-like" substances occur naturally in vegetables, fruits, nuts and grains. However, the amount of plant sterols found in vegetable and fruit is generally too low. By consuming foods or supplements containing Vegapure plant sterols as part of a heart-healthy lifestyle you can help maintain cholesterol levels that are already in normal range.

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